VEERkracht Dairy Congress 2022

The microbiome; key interface between Dutch governmental measures and dairy cow health.

The emphasis in veterinary work is shifting from curing cows to prevention of disturbances and diseases. An important part of preventive veterinary care is advisory work, which is valuable for the dairy farmer whenever the advice is accurate, and prospective. This is only possible when the veterinarian has in-depth knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and intermediate metabolism of the dairy cow.
The VEERkracht members are predominantly Dutch bovine veterinarians who apply this physiology-based approach in their daily work. This “Inside-Outside- approach” greatly differs from the classical “Outside-Inside-approach”. With this approach VEERkracht members apply scientific data in their daily work on the dairy farms.
The VEERkracht Dairy Congress is organized to show veterinarians, scientists, and advisors in the dairy industry that it is necessary to deal differently with the governmental measurements facing the Dutch dairy industry.

The Congress

Tuesday, September 20th the central topic will be: the microbiome in the gastro-intestinal tract of the dairy cow. Dutch legislation aimed at restricting the emission of -among others- nitrogen and methane poses various challenges and threats for the dairy industry.
Up till now, it is unclear what the exact content of the legislation will be, and how dairy farmers will deal with these measurements. Adaptations in fertilization strategies on arable and pasture land might be needed and as a consequence dairy cow nutrition will change, ultimately affecting the microbiome in the gastro-intestinal tract and the functioning of the (innate) immune system. Not only governmental measurements, but also the way these measurements will be implemented on the dairy farms are crucial. Dairy cow health should not be jeopardized so bovine veterinarians must recognize these interactions in time.
We are glad that several enthusiastic scientists from various countries are prepared to share their expert knowledge with us during the VEERkracht Dairy Congress 2022.
We hope to welcome you on Tuesday, September 20th, at our venue Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem.

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